"Emotional Lubricant"

Dear Milt:
Hate to have to tell you this, but I think you left your copy of Morty Feinberg's *Effective Psychology for Managers* on the plane.

Yup, that's right. You must have left it on that flight to Dallas/Fort Worth we took back in July.

Actually, looks like you were reading a section called "Why We Need Our Disguises":
"At some time or other, every individual feels the need to hide his inner feelings behind some sort of curtain or disguise. In fact, some psychologists claim that personality itself is a disguise. The very word, in fact, comes from the Latin 'persona,' which means facial disguises."
That Morty. He sure loves his facts.

But, hang on, Milt. Now, that I'm looking here, maybe you left the book on that flight we took from Atlanta back to LA. I sure can guess what you were reading then!

Be Enthusiastic
A moderate amount of flag-waving is helpful. At least convey the impression that your project or idea is appealing.
You must believe in something, and demonstrate that belief through enthusiasm, before you can be successful at persuasion. Your own enthusiasm is the best emotional lubricant for others. When they, too, become enthusiastic, they'll find it easy to agree.
"Emotional lubricant"? Really, Morty?
Well, Milt, I always have enjoyed our trips together. A pinch for the kids, and slap that wife on the fanny for me.
Labels: Books, Found, Los Angeles, Management