Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Midnight at the Oasis

El perrito Ken here tells us all we need to know about where Old Ken has been of late. That's right, Spain. Que bueno, as we say in Valencia! But lengthy discussion of that trip will need to wait until I get back from (gulp) another trip over seas. Sheesh!

Before I go, though, I feel like I need to share some information—some data—with you, all in the hope of finally resolving a controversy that has raged across the Atlantic. The question is this: if, on a moonlit night in early autumn, one were to step out the door and go for a little stroll in Greenwich, would one be more likely to see kitties or foxes? Well, here with me, I have that sweet substance I call "proof."

The data collection began at approximately 11:45 PM. Within three minutes of stepping out the front door (thus, apprxomiately 11:48 PM GMT), I spied this kitty sitting on the top of a wall. Silly gattito!

Up the hill I climbed, admiring the full moon shining through the clouds.

On my way up Point Hill, I observed a scene that might well have been out of a Salvator Rosa "witches' sabbath" scene. Unfortunately, the ambient light of the local street lamp at left compromises the illusion. Nonetheless, I offer the image here for your delectation.

Well, after some strollings here and there, I headed back down the hill. Alas, it seemed, the hypothesis that foxes were at least as numerous in Greenwich as kitties was to be shot down. But, just then, off in the high grass, the unmistakeable glint of light off fox eyes shone forth like sequins on tap shoes. Therefore, we can safely conclude: should one go a-steppin' at night in Greenwich foxes and kitties do indeed seem to appear in equal numbers. Sweet proof!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Stroll Around Greenwich

As it has been almost a year since Old Ken moved to Greenwich, I figured it might be a good time to re-acquaint myself with some of my environs. While the saying "no time like the present" might be bandied about for various suspect reasons, in this case it was quite true. For, not only is today gloriously sunny and auspiciously autumnal, but it is the first day of a weekend-long "open house" in London-town. This means that folks are allowed in to places normally closed to the public for free.

Well, I started my stroll down through Greenwich market. If you are ever looking for some over-priced rubbish or something to give as a gift to someone you don't really like, this is the place!

Feeling slightly peckish (that is "hungry" to y'all on the other side of the pond), I got myself a delicious berry smoothie and picked my way through the crowd, stumbling over baby carriages as I went. I am not sure if I have posted any of my rantings about the incredible volume of baby carriages clogging London's sidewalks. I have been told that this is partially because people here use their cars less than in the States, and so if you want to have a day in the city with a small child (or even just to go grocery shopping), the stroller is a must. I am slightly skeptical about this; I think it has more to do with the absolute idolatry of children in this country. But, let us leave this as a topic to detain us another time.

Suffice to say, though, as I left the market I was glad to see a trash can that clearly shared my sentiment about children. For, as you can see, it seems to have eaten the child and then discarded the inedible shell just outside its house.

Could we talk about Greenwich with touching upon the delightful subject of naval history—of "rum, sodomy and the lash," of the proverbial "swapping of the poop deck"? Wait, what were we talking about again? Well, strolling east along the mighty Thames, past Christopher Wren's Naval Hospital toward Woolich, Old Ken happened upon the small Trinity Hospital for the poor. Founded in 1616, the Hospital has a lovely garden as seen above.

Interestingly, the diagonal strip of white gravel inset into the pavement marks the prime meridian as our helpful sign tells us.

In any case, I made my way into the curious Hospital, eager to learn. Although it is small, the interior courtyard is charming. I thought that I might keep my distance from the fountain, having heard that such waterworks are frequently a source of transmission for Legionnaire's disease, which is supposedly spreading like wildfire in Lewisham. But, as I chased the cats around the loggia, I began to work up quite a sweat—a fever, if you will, for which there is only one cure: fountain-bathing!

So, maybe I'm joking about that, but it was a little perambulation around the loggia that brought the most amazing feature of the Hospital: it's shocking proximity to the behemoth that is Woolich power station.

I don't think that the image above quite captures the sheer discrepancy in scale between these two structures. Indeed, Old Ken simply was not able to stand within the confines of the Hospital's spacious garden and take a photograph that encapsulated the entirety of the power station's height. Kinda makes an old duffer like the O.K. scratch his head and wonder what they were thinking.

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Monday, September 05, 2005

Open Letter to the US

Now, as you all will know by now, Old Ken is not the most political guy out there. But, as I have recently happened across the letter below with this strange snapshot above (which I imagine is a stylized view of the planet earth), but including neither address nor signature. Nonetheless, I figured I might as well post them here as a kind of "open letter." Heaven knows, we need all the ideas we can get at the moment. Anyway, enough of my yappin.' Here it is:

"While I am currently living in England, I continue to follow news at home assiduously. Yet, watching the horrific images of my brothers and sisters dying in the Gulf Coast region over the past week, I am now moved to write—to share my deep sadness at both this overwhelming human tragedy and the disgraceful way our country has reacted to it.

"Many commentators in the American media have connected the ravages of Katrina to the war in Iraq. They have noted how budgets allocated to reinforce the levees around New Orleans were slashed to fund defense spending, despite ample warning that the weakened dykes might burst. They have noted how significant portions of the local National Guard were unavailable because of their deployment in Iraq. Further analogy might well be made between the abominable conditions to which New Orleans’ residents were subjected and the power outages and lack of basic services through which average citizens of Baghdad have been made to suffer since the U.S. invasion.

"Yet, such connections between the deplorable spectacle in New Orleans and the seething morass of current Iraq aside, one central question has been repeated over and over by the press here in Britain. That is: how could the United States—the richest country in the world and its sole superpower—abandon its own people in their moment of such dire, desperate need?

"Certainly there were logistical difficulties in communicating between storm-battered communities. Damage to physical infrastructure no doubt hampered delivery of critical aid to the destitute along the Gulf Coast. Yet, having recently documented the Asian tsunami—a disaster of far greater magnitude, which struck a broad swathe of highly impoverished nations—many British reporters have been flabbergasted by the lethargic, inefficient and generally lackadaisical American response, one which suffers mightily when compared with the efforts made in South Asia.

"Why has this happened? Whether we voted for the present administration or not, we have allowed this disgrace to happen. Watching the suffering ravaged upon our nation’s poorest, weakest, and sickest (many of them African American), I have felt such shame and sickening rage that we have allowed the efforts of the civil rights movement and progressive campaigners to be brought to this sickening nadir—from the 'War on Poverty' to a straight-up war on the poor.

"Would that we might truly remember the words of Emma Lazarus inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty: 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … the homeless, tempest tossed, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.' When the lights went out in New Orleans, where were we? The shocked eyes of the world are on us as we search for some answers."

London, UK

Saturday, September 03, 2005

On Friendship; or, What Nottingham can tell us about New Orleans

As the song says, it was John Wesley Harding who was a friend to the poor. But certainly Robin Hood would stand stand a good chance of sharing that title. After all, he robbed the rich to feed the poor; so the "medieval legends and tall tales" inform us. Well, Old Ken happened recently to be in Nottingham and had some adventures there—events whose meaning I haven't quite been able to fathom. But, given the heart-wrenching disaster in New Orleans of late, my own humble observations in Nottingham have begun to take a kind of comprehensible shape. So, I apologize if I seem to be mixing comedy with tragedy too freely here, but as Old Ken has found the two are inxtricable from this thing we call the human condition. So, sit back and let me try to tease out this tale.

Now, as you can probably imagine, modern-day Nottingham looks little like that of Robin Hood's day. The mysterious haunts of the enchanted Sherwood Forest have been replaced by sterile high rises, shopping malls and franchised pubs.

But, lest we forget about the adventures of Little John, Friar Tuck and the Merry Men, one can visit the "Tales of Robin Hood" theme park. Perhaps the bastard spawn of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, a Chuck E. Cheese's pizza shop, and a taxidermy studio (as is suggested by the disturbing and frankly inexplicable stuffed dogs whose animatronic barking greets the horrified visitor upon entrance), "Tales" must serve as the necessary training ground for the Goth community of Nottingham. I mean where else are you going to be paid to wear velvet pants, long flowing capes, and extensive amounts of costume jewelry in the name of appearing "medieval"?

In any case, once escorted by a "wench" back in time, one boards a ski liift-like seat, which is attached to a motorized track hanging from the ceiling. It is here that the real confusion begins. For, as the chair begins to buck forward and swivel to guide us through the various dioramas depicting life in Nottingham and Robin Hood's exploits therein, audio speakers located both within the chair and the papier-mache environment begin barking out atmospheric sounds and fragments of dialogue. Add to this cacophony the ambient noises emanating from the other moveable seats surrounding one's own—sounds which are just enough out of sync to produce a very strange echo effect—and a crushing nauseous headache begins to build.

While I won't go through a full catalogue of the curious characters one can meet in the diverse environments ...

I will mention that they look as if they could use a good cleaning.

Look, for example, at that puddle of slime oozing from the over-turned pitcher on the wooden table above. Ummm, slimey.

But, lest we get carried away entirely, let me note that I shared this adventure with my friend Tim, who has recently moved to Nottingham. I had planned my trip up to visit him and to witness the legal component of his marriage to the lovely Bev at the Nottingham register office. It was touching for Old Ken to be invited to such a ceremony and to have made such great friends in Tim and Bev. But in our preparations for post-wedding picnic, I happened across an experience which has resonated with me as I have watched the images coming from New Orleans through tears of rage.

So here was the situation: Tim and I were in a grocery store, gathering materials for the picnic and waiting to meet Bev who was at work. We had been shopping for some time and thought we had covered most of the basics. We had fruit, vegetables, cheese, beer, cookies, crackers, "crisps," hummus, luncheon meats, and so on.

Feeling slightly bewildered by all the shopping, Tim and I gathered our thoughts in the produce aisle. Had we thought of everything we would need? What else would people want? Feeling like we had lost the ability to see the forest for the trees, I turned to a woman who was picking out some pears and began to ask her a question. I wanted to get her thoughts on what we might need for this event, so I turned and asked her "do you go on picnics?"

I had planned to immediately follow her response with an explanation that Tim and I were running out of ideas and we wanted to make sure our bases were covered. I was stopped, however, by the absolute look of horror on her face. She was looking at me in pure disgust, as if I had a second head—and the head of an alligator at that—sprouting out of my neck. "No!" she responded in disdain, turning on her heel and walking away.

Well, needless to say, I was pretty confused by such treatment. Later, it was explained to me (by an English woman) that, from the perspective of an English person, I had asked this woman a really personal question. Or, better said, I had asked her for personal information that no English person would feel confortable divulging to a stranger. This sounded a little paranoid to me, but her generalization of the principle was much more chilling. People in England, she claimed, "simply don't talk to people they don't know in public places."

Now, as I think I have shared in my story of having been "born on a blue boat," English people seem willing to believe anything Old Ken tells them—granted that I have been introduced to them by a friend of theirs. That is, I can tell them some of the most ridiculous tall tales and I can tell those stories BADLY. Nonetheless, if and when I choose to alert them to the fact that I am pulling their legs, they are always shocked at the audacity. The assumption, as I have begun to see it, is that someone to whom they are introduced by a friend—a friend of a friend, or someone who is an accepted part of the group—simply has to be a good person, a straight dealer, and someone who would never intentionally take them for a ride. By contrast, as was most dramatically demonstrated by the failed picnic inquiry (although I could, sadly, provide many other similar incidents), someone who is a stranger, an outsider, or, God forbid, a foreigner is to be treated with the most extreme suspicion, as their intentions can only be malicious.

Many people will no doubt have far more intelligent things to say about the tragedy unfolding in New Orleans than Old Ken. But, as I have watched the aerial images of my brothers and sisters dying in their thousands, this ridiculous encounter in Nottingham keeps running through my mind, as if we are witness to its multiplication on a massive (and therefore much more cruel) scale. For, where else has the clannish (a word chosen advisedly) mentality—to trust and provide for those you perceive to be like yourself and to refuse fellowship and actively repel those who are other—recently manifested in such clear and devastating terms? Sadly, as I'm sure astute readers will remind me, we are not short of comparable examples. But, the fact that such privation, such denial of friendship, is being practiced on our own people by a government that—whether we voted for it or not—represents us, fills me with profound shame, sadness and bitter rage. We will not be forgiven for this.