Midnight at the Oasis

El perrito Ken here tells us all we need to know about where Old Ken has been of late. That's right, Spain. Que bueno, as we say in Valencia! But lengthy discussion of that trip will need to wait until I get back from (gulp) another trip over seas. Sheesh!
Before I go, though, I feel like I need to share some information—some data—with you, all in the hope of finally resolving a controversy that has raged across the Atlantic. The question is this: if, on a moonlit night in early autumn, one were to step out the door and go for a little stroll in Greenwich, would one be more likely to see kitties or foxes? Well, here with me, I have that sweet substance I call "proof."

The data collection began at approximately 11:45 PM. Within three minutes of stepping out the front door (thus, apprxomiately 11:48 PM GMT), I spied this kitty sitting on the top of a wall. Silly gattito!

Up the hill I climbed, admiring the full moon shining through the clouds.

On my way up Point Hill, I observed a scene that might well have been out of a Salvator Rosa "witches' sabbath" scene. Unfortunately, the ambient light of the local street lamp at left compromises the illusion. Nonetheless, I offer the image here for your delectation.

Well, after some strollings here and there, I headed back down the hill. Alas, it seemed, the hypothesis that foxes were at least as numerous in Greenwich as kitties was to be shot down. But, just then, off in the high grass, the unmistakeable glint of light off fox eyes shone forth like sequins on tap shoes. Therefore, we can safely conclude: should one go a-steppin' at night in Greenwich foxes and kitties do indeed seem to appear in equal numbers. Sweet proof!
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