The Best Movie Poster Ever?

As it was a beautiful spring weekend here in south east London - - the first pink and lavender flowers blossoming on the trees - - I reckoned it was time for a good, old-fashioned ramble. And, in my ongoing quest to bring you news of the best signage England has to offer, I give you this delight.

Should you find yourself south of the Hayward Gallery on London's south bank any time soon, you will be able to witness in person that which you see photographed above. Now, Old Ken has never actually heard of this animated "Ice Age" film, let alone the sequel advertised here.

But, with the tagline "Kiss Your Nuts Goodbye," I can only imagine that it is aiming at the highest of all possible high-brows. Move over Fellini; here comes a hot chunk of steaming art-house magic!
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