What is the story here?

What's this? Two posts in as many days? Some will say that Old Ken is simply trying to pad his numbers, trying to reach that elusive figure of fifty entries in the first year of this bonny blog's existence.
Others will say: "Ken, don't you have some tasks you are supposed to be working on?" Well, it's a tough crowd I am facing here. So, let's not dwell on motivations, but rather—as we always do—let us look at the humble ruins that the world has offered and see what we can learn from them.

And here I want to enlist your help. For, I found the image you see above on the ground some time ago. Notably, the image was bound slide format and it has taken me a while to convert it into a digital file. But what is the scene depicted? I had toyed with the idea of narrating it myself and (hopefully) offering a few witticisms along the way.

Yet, on further consideration, I thought it might be a bit more fun for all of us were I simply to solicit interpretations of the image. Or, perhaps you'd just like to write captions to the discrete details. Either way, please feel free to post your interpretations in the comment section below.
Without prejudging the event, here are a few questions Old Ken found himself asking of this image: when was the depicted event? Who is the center of attention and/or in whose honor is the event being held? Where is it taking place? What are the relations between the three standing women? Who took the photograph?

It all looks like quite a hoot—and please allow me to call your attention to the cake poised at the head of the table, should you think my enthusiasm requires any corroboration. Happy story-telling!
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