Is it time for the Darwin Awards already?

Sometimes in this life, one has to go out and actually look for things about which to write blog entries. Other times, blogs just materialize before one's disbelieving eyes. One doesn't find these gifts; rather, like Surrealist "found objects," they find you.

And so it was, one morning the past week, with the throaty roar of a chainsaw piercing the tranquility of late morning in southeast London. Neither the ubiquitous drone of traffic nor the occasional polic siren, the chainsaw's report was enough to bring yours truly to the window where I was able to observe the following spectacle.

Dr. Tree Surgeon here had taken it upon himself to scale a fifteen foot ladder with chainsaw in hand. Then, balancing upon the uppermost rung of the ladder, he was working on trimming the tree against which said ladder was leaning.

That this did not end badly was something of a shock to a baffled Old Ken.
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