Kamatero, or Where Some People Will be Getting Married in Greece

To get there, you will need to take a boat. "Welcome aboard!" shouts the captain huskily. "Have a cigarette," he enjoins. "No, thank you," you whisper.

Once aboard, you will be able to enjoy scenic views of untrammeled Mediterranean grandeur ...

... and the Pireaus, Greece's famous port.

From the deck, you can enjoy the colorful variety of automobiles sharing the short fifteen-minute journey to Salamis. The entertainment, visible in the extreme left-hand corner of the photograph above, is supplied by roving ministerels ...

... please dogs for surprisingly modest fees.

Speaking of pooches, the house is guarded by these fearsome beasts.

Inside, you will see an aesthetic of graceful decay ruling over all.

And from the house, we pass into the Ewok village. Imagine this all cleaned up and decked out in festive lights, populated with guests in their Sunday best and the pig roast right in the center of things. Wedding-rific!

You'll pass then into a mystical woodland bower ...

... and emerge into a meadow.

Run (or walk) through said meadow!

And there, finally, you'll arrive at the little wedding chapel. A sense of the scale can be extracted by comparison with the small person just in front of the double doors. The wedding will be held outside the chapel on this terrace. And then get ready to do the Macarena, mister!
Labels: Fun, Special Times, Weddings
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